Support the Lost 74 Memorial Bridge Signage Fund
Exciting News!
The California legislature has approved the naming of the Highway 1 & Interstate 710 interchange and bridge in Long Beach! This interchange & bridge are a fitting memorial of the 74 sailors lost on June 3, 1969 when the USS Frank E. Evans fatefully collided with the HMAS Melbourne while serving with the Pacific fleet during the Vietnam War. Long Beach was the USS Evans homeport, and once the signage is in place, thousands of drivers will be reminded every day of their sacrifice.

While the renaming of the bridge and interchange have been approved, it is up to the USS Frank E. Evans Association to pay for the new signage. To contribute to the fund for the signage, please donate here! And whether you donate or not, please share on your social media channels to help us raise awareness! We appreciate any support you can provide.