Happenings USS FEE

Pay Your 2024 Dues

You can pay your 2024 Dues here


As many of you are aware, Bill Thibeault has made a film, “Seventy-Four” to tell the story of the USS Frank E. Evans. As with any tragedy, a film about an event such as this can cause many reactions. For some, it is a painful reminder of a time they wish they could forget, while for others it can be a source of healing to have the story told. There are no easy answers for the survivors and family members of those that were lost – ultimately, each person must decide for themselves what place this tragedy holds in their lives.

For those that are interested in watching the film, it debuts this Friday, January 10th at 1:00PM PST / 4:00PM EST here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZIIqLtwmu8

God’s Character – Chaplain’s Corner

2025 1st Quarter

Abba Father has patiently molded me and set a passion in my heart to spread His Gospel. And my Lord has set meditation in my heart for the Sevenfold Spirits from the Menorah in the ancient Temple as cited in Isaiah 11:2:

and I focused on Galatians 5:22-23

the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; 

and to discover a deeper understanding, my prayerful reading revealed, James 3:17  

the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, not hypocritical.

We must trust God in all things and trust His Word to protect us from the enemy that comes at us in one direction and will flee in seven directions. His Word Will not return empty, but will accomplish what He wants to prevail. In our prayers we give thanks that we are protected from evil knowing God’s power over the enemy. Holy Spirit accompany us against any enemy attacks and turn past failures into renewed ammunition for battle. 

As a children of God our breath is a gift. Do not let us become self-indulgent in this world when we perfectly know God protects, provides, guides, and loves us. God is love. He both generates and demonstrates love — and that love endures forever. That is why we choose to put our trust in Him. In that trust we receive the power of His Holy Spirit to fill us with the desires He has for us and then fills our hearts with the joys of doing His Will, and mighty works will be accomplished. Help us examine; the depth of character and faithful works of God, our past life rebirthed by the Holy Spirit, and keep us filled with the joy of Your guidance. 

Halleluyah! Praise Adonai, for He is good, for His lovingkindness endures forever. Psalms 106:1 TLV. 

When the word of God is planted in our hearts, good things will be produced in our lives. God is in His Word. We dwell on His omniscience (all-knowing), omnipotence (all-powerful), and omnibenevolence (supremely good), in other words, God knows all, has the power to do everything , and is perfectly good. Our devotion can not be restrained from Yahweh giving Him our thanks, our devotion, our love,

God is Love. God is good. Every morning His mercies are new for which we give thanks. We have the goodness of God spread through our reborn lives. I keep a journal of His actions “His Holy Spirit Moving”, God being active in, around, through and with us. I’ve experienced His Holy Goodness and my journal is similar to a military ribbon with multiple silver stars. May my prayer time be filled with thankfulness for receiving His presence through my life, for answers to my prayers, and finding me worthy;  

Adonai your God is in your midst— a mighty Savior! He will delight over you with joy. He will quiet you with His love. He will dance for joy over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 TLV

My first objective is to focus on the many ways love can be used in His ministries or expressed in my walks. I do believe our priorities are; first to seek His Face and turn from our sinful ways, to repent for saturation in the seven sins of Sloth, Pride, Anger, Gluttony, Greed, Lust,  Envy and seek a healing over our country. 

Secondly, we must give prayers to those who abuse us and to ask blessings over Hamas, Taliban, Jihad,  Al-quada, Isis, and the like who persecute us and  others. These two priorities are a sign to acknowledge His Love Will free us, compel us, and sustain us.

Pray to God with me, seek God with me, talk to God with me, meditate on God with me, walk with God next to me for He is the greatest entity in existence. No matter where we go, our Heavenly Immanuel has promised to be with us. His love triumphs over the sins in our thoughts and actions. For salvation is not based on our own good works but on our sincere faith in Him. 

The moment any individual places what little faith they have on Jesus as Lord and Savior, Father God forgives all of our sins. This is how we all become instantly, spiritually, sinless and eternally saved. To experience God is time and energy set aside to seek him. Lord, point out anything in us that offends You as Your Word stirs our souls.  AMEN!

Remembering the USS Frank E. Evans: A Call to Action

We need your help.

The time to recognize the names of the 74 sailors who lost their lives on the USS Frank E. Evans is long overdue. On June 3, 1969, the USS Evans collided with the HMAS Melbourne during Operation Sea Spirit in the South China Sea, leading to the loss of those sailors. When the Vietnam War Memorial was erected in Washington D.C., the names of those 74 sailors were left off the Memorial. The USS Frank E. Evans Association has been fighting for years to correct this wrong.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington DC
by Scarlet Sappho
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington DC by Scarlet Sappho, Some rights reserved

For this session of Congress, proposed legislation has bi-partisan support. The House of Representatives is considering HR3826, the USS Frank E. Evans Act:

  • Introduced by Adam Schiff (D-CA)
  • Co Sponsored by:
    • Kelly Armstrong (R-ND)
    • Joe Courtney (D-CT)
    • Pete Stauber (R-MN)
    • Mike Levin (D-CA)
    • Judy Chu (D-28)
    • Mike Thompson (D-4)
    • Don Bacon (R-NE)
    • Brad Sherman (D-CA)
    • Mike Flood (R-NE)
    • Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)
    • Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)

Current Status: HR3826 has been referred to both the Committee on the Armed Services and the Committee on Natural Resources/Subcommittee on Federal Lands.

The US Senate is considering Amendment 2207 to S4638 the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025. The Amendment was submitted by Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY). The amendment is currently in a “Proposed” status, and is one of 1171 potential amendments to the NDAA.

Contact Your Legislators

Please reach out to your Congressperson and Senator(s). Encourage them to support the legislative actions now in front of them. We’ve made it easy for you – you can send a letter right from our website. We also ask that you sign our petition to the the Senate Armed Forces Committee.

Time is of the Essence

The current legislative session ends in January.

Please act today – and share with any family & friends who are also willing to support our efforts.

Find information on current legislative actions related to the USS Frank E. Evans Project 74 to add the names to the Vietnam Wall Memorial here.

Support the Lost 74 Memorial Bridge Signage Fund

Exciting News!

The California legislature has approved the naming of the Highway 1 & Interstate 710 interchange and bridge in Long Beach! This interchange & bridge are a fitting memorial of the 74 sailors lost on June 3, 1969 when the USS Frank E. Evans fatefully collided with the HMAS Melbourne while serving with the Pacific fleet during the Vietnam War. Long Beach was the USS Evans homeport, and once the signage is in place, thousands of drivers will be reminded every day of their sacrifice.

Lost 74 Memorial Bridge & Interchange

While the renaming of the bridge and interchange have been approved, it is up to the USS Frank E. Evans Association to pay for the new signage. To contribute to the fund for the signage, please donate here! And whether you donate or not, please share on your social media channels to help us raise awareness! We appreciate any support you can provide.

In Memoriam: Sailors, Family & Friends of the USS Frank E. Evans

In Memoriam for the sailors, family members, and friends of the USS Frank E. Evans that we have lost in the last year, as played at the Memorial Ceremony for the Reunion in Spokane.

Lost 74 In Memoriam Video

This is the In Memoriam video of the Lost 74 of the USS Frank E. Evans that was played at the 2024 Reunion in Spokane during the Memorial Ceremony.

2023 Reunion Video

As you finalize your plans for this year’s reunion in Spokane, here’s a look back at last year’s reunion, hosted in Springfield, Illinois.

Joe Watt

Airman First Class Joe Watt (USAF) age 82 (father of member Lisa Watt and grandfather of members Xiola Watt, Julliette Darcey and Ronan Darling) passed away on 18 July 2024 in Hemet, California.  In the last few years Joe battled throat cancer and many other health issues.  A military burial will take place in the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Riverside California at a future date to be determined.

Most of you are not aware that Joe was responsible for reaching out to our association to place a memorial tile on American Legion Post 149’s Honor and Remembrance Wall in 2010.  Little did we know that that tile would draw the interest of a young newspaper reporter (Louise Esola) who would soon write her first book “American Boys.”

Our Association thanks Joe for his constant support of the USS Frank E. Evans Association and the “Lost 74”.  Condolences can be sent to his daughter; Lisa Watt via email to: lisajanewatt@gmail.com

Reunion – Early Bird Deadline Coming Soon!

Reunion packets went out and the Early Bird deadline for registration is Tuesday, July 16th! All registrations need to be postmarked or received by that date in order to take advantage of early bird pricing.

Details about this year’s reunion in Spokane, Washington can be found on our reunion page. Here’s how to register:

  • Download the fillable pdf, and save it after filling in all your selections. The total fees will calculate automatically in the form.
  • Submit your completed form and payment:

Highlights include:

  • Memorial Ceremony, Live Auction & Dinner
  • Formal Dinner
  • Tour of Spokane & the Bing Crosby House
  • Tour of Coeur d’Alene & a boat ride on Lake Coeur d’Alene
  • Game Night!
  • and the Pub Crawl!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Second Quarter Newsletter

Our newsletter archive can be found here