What is included in a membership?
A newsletter every quarter, a members-only area of the USS Frank E. Evans Website, a members discount of 10% of ship store merchandise & discounted reunion registration fee.
Can I transfer my lifetime membership?
Lifetime memberships are non-transferable.
Are there any limits to the household membership?
All members must physically reside at the same address. There are no limits to the number of members or the age of members as long as everyone is a part of the same household.
Can I purchase a membership on behalf of someone else?
Yes, we now how the ability to gift memberships to others. Go to https://ussfee.org/join-association/ for more information on how to send a gift membership.
What is the term of membership?
Memberships run from January 1st to December 31st of each calendar year. If you are purchasing mid-year, your membership will run through the end of that year, and you will be asked to renew in January.
How are member voting rights exercised?
Each member, over the age of 18, is entitled to vote in person when attending the annual reunion. At the reunion, the association may hold a vote to appoint the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary positions of the Association’s Board of Directors.