Tagged: Memorials

June 3, 2024 Memorials – Photos & News Coverage

Nebraska Memorial

On June 6, Papillion, Nebraska unveiled a Vietnam Veterans Memorial. A wall was dedicated to the 74. (see attached). It is a very impressive memorial and highly recommended to go and visit.

KETV Coverage: ‘Forgotten Four’ remembered: New memorial to honor Vietnam War veterans left off national wall. (The video includes our own Linda Vaa.)

KETV Coverage: Chronicle: Nebraska’s Vietnam War Memorial

Gurnee, IL Memorial

The memorial service on June 3 for Gurnee, Illinois was canceled. Julie and I could not let the day go by without recognizing “The Lost 74.” We stopped by with a plant and found the cemetery had placed the flags.
Susie Covert and Julie Moreland, widow and daughter of LTJG Jeff Covert 1967-1969

Long Beach Memorial

Update: Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dedication

On June 6, 2024, the Nebraska Vietnam Veterans memorial will be dedicated in Papillion, Nebraska. Not only will those from Nebraska be honored but a separate panel of the lost 74 names is also included with the memorial.

The organizing committee is starting to make their plans and would like to know who from the Frank E Evans Association is planning to attend.

Please complete the attached form and provide back to Steve Kraus via email at kraussa754@gmail.com

Steve needs the information no later than Jan 30

Please fill out the form here – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfx6xbO8D1eK5yToW1btv9-_sXh_34G1uX3MIkuihbCCFv0zg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link